Episode Archive
45 episodes of To the Heights since the first episode, which aired on May 24th, 2019.
42: 2.3 Million Americans Without A News Correspondent | The Prison Journalism Project
November 23rd, 2020 | Season 3 | 42 mins 55 secs
incarceration impacted, journalism justice, prison journalism project, shaheen pasha, yukari kane
Yukari Kane and Shaheen Pasha, co-founders of the Prison Journalism Project, join Olivia to talk about journalism justice and the project they created to extend that justice into prisons.
41: Wholistic Feminism: The Female Body as Good | Leah Jacobson, The Guiding Star Project
November 9th, 2020 | Season 3 | 50 mins 56 secs
ava kelly, catholic healthcare, leah jacobson, the guiding star project, wholistic feminist
Leah Jacobson, founder of The Guiding Star Project, joins Olivia and cohost Ava to talk about "wholistic feminism", female healthcare, and the overuse and misuse of birth control.
40: A Reflection on Racism, Faith, & Self-Awareness
October 26th, 2020 | Season 3 | 26 mins 22 secs
action plan, anti-racist, catholic, diversity, racism, resources, social work
Join Olivia this week for a school assignment-turned-podcast about self-awareness on racism and efforts in the faith to become anti-racist.
39: The Irony of Success: How the Solution to Chronic Veteran Homelessness in Boston Perpetuated the Problem
October 19th, 2020 | Season 3 | 36 mins 41 secs
boston homeless, brighton marine, chronic veteran homelessness, investigative journalism, mayor marty walsh
Join Olivia for an investigative journalism story on Boston's chronically homeless veterans, and get to the bottom of whether or not the city has ended chronic veteran homelessness.
38: Don't Be A Pretend Missionary | Sean Forrest of Haiti180
October 13th, 2020 | Season 3 | 54 mins 9 secs
haiti, haiti180, ministry life balance, missionary, orphanage, sean forrest, wearing many hats
Sean Forrest, founder and director of Haiti180, joins Olivia to talk about what the journey of starting the orphanage was like, how dangerous our faith can be, and what it's like to wear so many hats.
37: Walking to BC to End Homelessness... from Virginia | Gordon Wayne BC '23
October 5th, 2020 | Season 3 | 30 mins 46 secs
550 miles, boston college, gordon wayne, walk to end homelessness
Boston College Sophomore Gordon Wayne spent 14 months homeless before a combination of "luck and hard work" allowed him to transfer to Boston College. Rather than flying, like the school offered for him to do, he decided to walk all 550 miles and raise money for the homeless along the way. Olivia and Gordon chat about the experience and where he plans to go from here.
36: Changing the World One Diaper at a Time: Friends of the Unborn | Joan Bailey
September 28th, 2020 | Season 3 | 49 mins 3 secs
friends of the unborn, pregnancy shelter, pro-life ministry
Here's a look at a maternity home in Quincy, MA, called Friends of the Unborn. If you feel called to support the home and its wonderful moms and babies, the wish-list talked about in the episode can be found here: //gt.gifts/friendsoftheunborn.
35: Hiking Banter / Being Grateful for the Climb | Olivia & Faith
August 24th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 12 mins
dietitian anna, health at every size, st. francis of assisi
This week Olivia & Faith bring you a chit-chat, banter-style podcast as they drive home from a hike in New Hampshire. Listen for some silly stories, topics from Twitter, things they've been loving, and other randomness.
34: Hug the Challenge: Childhood Cancer, Trusting Jesus, and Building Churches | Monica Lacouture
August 17th, 2020 | Season 3 | 49 mins 20 secs
build the faith, monica lacouture
Monica Lacouture shares the story of her family and how their faith was strengthened through the inspiration of their daughter Christina, who passed from an aggressive form of cancer a few years ago. With Christina's help and now in her memory, they run the non-profit "Build the Faith," which builds churches in impoverished communities.
33: What We Wish the Church Knew about Mental Health | Tommy Tighe
August 3rd, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 5 mins
mental health, saint dymphna's playbook, tommy tighe
Tommy Tighe, host of St. Dymphna's Playbook on Grexly, comes back to To the Heights to discuss his journey to becoming a therapist, what he's learned from running SDP, and what we both hope the Church can do to better support and address mental health.
32: The Power of Your Voice & Story | Activist Abby Abrahamson
July 27th, 2020 | Season 3 | 54 mins 26 secs
roots & shoots, youth activism
A beautiful friend from the Roots & Shoots National Youth Leadership Council swings by to talk about service projects, finding her voice, telling our stories, and her favorite books.
31: What Teen Activism is *Really* Like: the Good, the Bad, & the... Angry | Sarah Ryan
July 20th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 32 mins
One of Olivia's closest friends swings by the show again (after her first appearance in the third-ever episode of TTH!) to chat about her experience as a youth and teen activist. You'll hear what Olivia and Sarah wished people knew about being activists and public figures so early in their lives––what they learned, what they're grateful for, what went wrong, what they got fired up about, and what they wish others would know.
30: Catholic Social Teaching, Slow Fashion, and Toxic Gear Culture | Annabelle Larnard
July 13th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 18 mins
catholic social teaching, slow fashion, toxic gear culture
This week Olivia and her hiking buddy Annabelle break down the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching; something they believe all Catholics should know and live by. Listen in for a weekly challenge from Olivia as well as lots of practical tips for living more justly.
29: Say A Prayer & Jump | Ambassador Ken Hackett
July 6th, 2020 | Season 3 | 58 mins 8 secs
boston college church in the 21st century center, catholic diplomacy, catholic relief services, peace corp
Ambassador Ken Hackett has had a wild ride–– from BC, to the Peace Corps, to CEO of Catholic Relief Services, and then to US Ambassador to the Holy See. Hear Olivia explore what it's like to be a Catholic diplomat in this episode recorded in partnership with the Church in the 21st Century Center at Boston College.
28: In the Rubble of the Earth | Carly Anderson, BC's 4Boston Campus Minister
June 29th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 8 mins
4boston, boston college, catholic social teaching, service, social justice
Welcome to Season 3, Hope in Humanity! I am overjoyed to be taking a much-needed look at social justice, Catholic Social Teaching, and activism this season. First up, we have Carly Anderson–– Boston College Campus Minister in charge of 4Boston, a 700-student volunteer organization.